Free Hosting around the Globe

 Free Web Hosting 


Free Web Hosting Providers

When it comes to free web hosting providers, there are many options to choose from around the world. Here are 20 free web hosting providers, listed by continent and country:

North America:

United States:

  • InfinityFree: A popular free web hosting provider with over 300,000 accounts. They offer unlimited disk space and bandwidth, along with a website builder and one-click installer.
  • ByetHost: ByetHost offers free web hosting with PHP, MySQL, and FTP support. They have been in business since 2007 and host over a million websites.
  • Freehostia: With over a decade of experience in web hosting, Freehostia offers a range of free hosting plans with features like email accounts, website builder, and a 1-click installer.


United Kingdom:

  • FreeHostingEU: Based in the EU, FreeHostingEU offers free web hosting with no ads, along with PHP, MySQL, and FTP support. They have been providing hosting services since 2004.
  • GoogieHost: GoogieHost offers free web hosting with 1000 MB storage, 100 GB bandwidth, and one-click installer. They have over 200,000 users and provide 24/7 support.
  • Atspace: With over a decade of experience in web hosting, Atspace offers free hosting with PHP, MySQL, and website builder support. They also offer free SSL certificates and daily backups.


  • Ouvaton: A non-profit web hosting provider, Ouvaton offers free hosting with PHP, MySQL, and FTP support. They have been providing hosting services since 2001 and are committed to supporting open-source projects.
  • One of the oldest and most popular free web hosting providers in France, offers free web hosting with email accounts, FTP support, and PHP/MySQL support. They have over 10 million users and are known for their reliable service.



  • InfinityFree: With servers in both the US and Europe, InfinityFree also has a presence in India. They offer free web hosting with unlimited disk space and bandwidth, along with a website builder and one-click installer.
  • Hostinger: Hostinger offers free web hosting with 100 GB bandwidth, 2 MySQL databases, and PHP support. They also offer a website builder and 24/7 support. Hostinger has over 29 million users worldwide.


  • IDhostinger: A subsidiary of Hostinger, IDhostinger offers free web hosting with 2 GB disk space, 100 GB bandwidth, and PHP support. They have over 100,000 users and provide 24/7 support.